Garam Choi

Art Music Computer

Contemporary art onLine 4U in Bourges (CLUB) website

Tags: [Website], [Bourges], [Communication], [ENSA Bourges], [Pods], [Timber], [Wordpress]

CLUB is a digital catalog of exhibitions and projects that involve young artists or students from ENSA Bourges (National High School of Art of Bourges), with dynamic documentation that connects information about artists, works, exhibitions or projects, and partner structures.

What we wanted is a website where we can visit exhibitions (events), discover artworks and artists and vice-versa by their relation. Every element of information is saved as an object (custom post), and on web pages, the custom theme shows it in a visual structure and provides hyperlinks by relations they have with other objects. This system demanded more work for design the data structure than just a "post" system, but it makes contributors make content easier and more efficient.

This website is built with WordPress, with Pods framework for custom posts, and Timber for preparation and using a custom Theme.

This projected was realized with Segolene Bac (web design) and Sandra Émonet (coordination).


