Garam Choi

Art Music Computer


Tags: [Website], [Communication], [Lille], [Kirby CMS]


PCC (, is an online catalog dedicated to contemporary culture in Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL). It's goal is to centralize the latest news from the local art scene for contemporary culture enthusiasts, covering art, design, photography, music, and more. Each event or exhibition featured on PCC is chosen for its artistic, contemporary, independent, and experimental qualities.

When I first arrived in Lille, I found it challenging to discover information about art exhibitions or events. The tourism office had a catalog, but it focused on commercial galleries, which were less interesting, or featured venues that had already closed. I knew that Lille, along with nearby cities like Tourcoing and Roubaix, had a wealth of cultural spaces showcasing contemporary art and design. However, unlike Paris, there was no guide or platform to navigate these offerings.

In France, there are similar platforms for other regions: Slash for Paris, Tram for Île-de-France, PAC for Marseille, BAC for Bordeaux, Adele for Lyon, Botoxs for Nice, Lora for Lorraine, Seize Mille for Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, NORD for Paris Nord, AC//RA for Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, and there are more! In the Nord department and Lille, there are similar platforms, but these function as artist networks or associations of subscribed structures, which can feel somewhat exclusive. Drawing from my experiences with similar platforms like CLUB de l'ENSA Bourges and ArtIndex Rotterdam, I decided to create a website in my free time to fill this gap for Lille.

Initially, PCC started as my personal catalog. I love visiting art exhibitions and experimental music concerts, and I wanted a way to remember events like openings or concerts. I gathered information by selecting venues and contacting them directly to learn more. I started with Lille and expanded to the Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL), including Roubaix, Tourcoing, and Villeneuve d'Ascq. These post-industrial cities, which have invested significant effort and money into revitalization, offer affordable rents, attracting many artist workshops and independent or associative cultural centers.

The next step for PCC is to seek funding from Lille, MEL, or even the Nord department to promote independent and experimental culture in this region. I'm considering adding more features like a generated calendar, automatic Instagram feeds summarizing weekly events, banners for young artists' work on the homepage, and possibly even a paper version of the guide.

I developed the site using Kirby CMS, a simple yet powerful content management system. It's free for non-profit projects, allowing me to obtain a license for this project. In the future, if PCC generates revenue through advertisements or other means, I plan to purchase a license to support its continued development.

PCC is a resource for anyone who appreciates and wants to discover the richness of artistic creation in Lille and its surroundings. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, PCC aims to make contemporary culture more accessible and engaging for all.