Garam Choi

Art Music Computer

PCC - 2024/05

Tags: [Website], [Communication], [Lille], [Kirby CMS]

Hills and Valleys - 2021/11

Tags: [Art], [Website], [Artificial Intelligence], [GAN], [Image generation], [Imagination], [Machine learning], [Computer]

Infinite loop - 2022/04

Tags: [Art], [Installation], [Sound], [Theatrical play], [Exhibition], [Field recording], [Robot]

AAAA - 2019/11

Tags: [Art], [Feedback], [Installation], [Sound], [Synthetic voice], [Computer], [Puredata]

Computer story - 2018/06

Tags: [Art], [Writing], [Installation], [Synthetic voice], [GAN], [Machine learning], [Computer], [Theatrical play]

Memories - 2024/07

Tags: [Art], [Installation], [Clay]

Imaginary boobs - 2018/07

Tags: [Art], [Internet], [Artificial Intelligence], [Boobs], [Censorship], [GAN], [Image generation], [Imagination], [Instagram], [Machine learning], [Nudity]

inf (Musical performance with controled feedback effect) - 2017/03

Tags: [Feedback], [Music], [Performance], [Sound], [Sound generation], [Alchemy], [Pitch shift]

Contemporary art onLine 4U in Bourges (CLUB) website - 2021/03

Tags: [Website], [Bourges], [Communication], [ENSA Bourges], [Pods], [Timber], [Wordpress]

Voice of Maxime Marion - 2018/06

Tags: [Art], [Artificial Intelligence], [Installation], [Sound], [Synthetic voice], [LSTM], [RNN], [Sound generation]

Le Havre - 2018/06

Tags: [Art], [Artificial Intelligence], [Analog video], [Error], [Le Havre], [Object Detection], [Surveillance], [YOLO3]

Histoire(s) d’internet - 2018/04

Tags: [Art], [Website], [Writing], [Internet]

Thndr - 2024/07

Tags: [Art], [Feedback], [Music], [Performance], [Processing], [Video], [Webcam]